Friday, February 02, 2007

Insert Dog Here

And some grass and a few trees...

Here is my backyard. It's the only bad part of my house. I do need to get on the landscaping thing this March. I promise.

It's been exactly two months since I left Los Angeles. On Dec 2nd I made it to Round Rock. I'll admit the big empty house is getting to me. I enjoyed my parents flying in for a visit a few weeks ago and giving this place some life. I have friends that I have lunch with on a regular basis, but now it's time for a dog.

I knew I would be getting one, just a matter of time. So the search begins. Be ready to be inundated with adorable puppy pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooooshy booooshy boooobooooo googoooos!

That is from me to your dog. Make sure you pass the message along once you get him/her.