Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sleepy Puppy

This will be somewhat of a lame posting. I'm kinda busy working on some projects.

As Baxter is a little under the weather, he sleeps a lot next to my desk. I bought him a soft bed, but I'm not a good judge of size as you can see. As he has kennel cough, I won't take it back and risk giving that to another dog.

Maybe dog number two will be a little smaller.


Anonymous said...

Mr. B is so cute........
The picture reminds me of that picture we have of Jenny sleeping in her doll cradle when she was real little.:-))

Anonymous said...

Second puppy? you are a softy.:-)

Unknown said...

That is the cutest darn thing I have seen all week! Seriously though, he's going to be microsized if you don't spring for a bigger bed, bud... :-)