Saturday, February 03, 2007

Ice In My Veins

Nothing makes you feel more like Cruella DeVille then leaving the dog pound without a leash in your hand and a dog on the other end.

Today I completed my application at the Austin Town Lake Adoption Center. I was approved, which was not difficult, to adopt a dog today. Due to my upcoming travel schedule to Chicago for the Auto Show, I thought it best not to bring a dog home then throw it in the kennel for a few days while I'm away.

There were many that stole my heart, I would take everyone home if I could. There were old dogs, puppies, quiet and shy dogs, happy dogs and very scared dogs. The latter steal your heart as they tend to the dogs that are a few years old that long for their master. They bark and howl and lack the carefree indifference of a puppy. As I left I could here an abandoned Alaskan Malamute singing.

If you ever think you have it all together, leave a dog pound without a new friend in your car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for you... I think you should just stay home and blow off Chicago... who need an auto show anyways... not like it's job related or anything... oh... wait...