Back to the home office. It's become very popular again to work from home. This was all the rage in the late 90's when the internet was coming of age. I'm old hat at this, I was a tellecommuter in 1998.
Do I like working from home? Hard question and harder answers. I'm a people person and that's good and bad for working in an office. I am much more productive working at home where I can sit in solitude and concentrate on a project. The days of having your own office and being able to close the door are long gone unless you are very high up on the food chain. VP's at Edmunds sit at work stations out in the open.
But it's lonely and quiet. Thankfully I have friends who tellecommute as well and they live in the subdivision next to mine. Going to lunch with a buddy will be an easy task. Getting a dog to play with will make things easier as well. I'll miss the group I work with at Edmunds and the face to face contact for sure.
If I had a million dollars, I'd live in Santa Monica.
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