Sunday, May 06, 2007

Join In

I'm a big fan of networking sites and today I am focusing on two of the professional ones that I belong too. I was excited this week to hear of the launch of professional networking site for the automotive industry. The new site is based out of Germany and the address is Don't ask me what the "K"stands for, perhaps it's something in German. Bravo for the site not having been built in the U.S. and looking and feeling a little different, while being fully functional.

As many of you who read my blog are in the automotive business, please take a moment to register and help get this networking site off the ground.

The premier professional networking site I belong to is Again, a great site to find people you once worked with and connect to those you are presently working with. I know I've lost touch with people through the years. I've found old college friends from 20 (ack!) years ago. Yes, people will be able to find you as well, but it's hard to escape Google these days and they will find you anyway.

So sign up, look for me, and we'll all stay connected.

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