Immediately after Labor Day 1987 I moved into my first address away from home. 312D Hendrix Hall, SUNY Fredonia Fredonia, NY 14063. Fortunately my parents were there to take this picture of me and my younger sister while I was unpacking. One item of note, that Porsche print is hanging behind my desk here in Round Rock. I've had it since I was ten.
I remember the day well. After packing the car I remember walking up into the back pasture with our dog Max and looking back at the house. I knew I would never live there again. I stayed in Fredonia for those four years, working summers and most breaks.
College was not going to be an easy proposition for me. Academically I was not a strong student. My parents had me pay 100% of my first semester as I was not a sure bet to make it through. I did and they funded 100% of my second semester. From there on it was 50/50 which I firmly believe is a sound proposition for any parent/child going through the college years. It was a vested partnership for both of us.
After the hike with all my stuff up three flights up un-air conditioned stairs. I was settled in. We went to lunch and I was on my own. The first suite mate to move in was Andy from Lake Placid.
And it goes on from there. A tale too long to tell on these pages. But you know how the story ends up today, twenty years later.
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